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What is Power Apps and Who is it For?

Power Apps is a tool which empowers you to write your own apps which can be used inside your organization!

If you work in an office, you’re already familiar with using some sort of software to manage your business data. Now, how do you share and collaborate on that data? Do you send people a copy of that spreadsheet or a link to your list or whatever? Probably. And how do you know they are filling it out right and putting the right information in? You try to capture birthdays and some people put in an actual date, while others put in their age into the same spot. Ugh. But what do you do when you have to keep track of information you don’t have a program to manage? You put it into some spreadsheet, probably.

You know what an app is. You install apps all the time on your phone! What if you create an app for your phone or computer that manages all your business data you keep in those spreadsheets? …that’s what Power Apps is! It empowers *you* to write *that* app. Oh, but you’re not a developer, right? That’s who has traditionally built apps. But not anymore. It helps if you’re a little tech savvy, but you don’t have to be one of those coder geeks. If you’re a person in the office that manages business’ data, you might be the next Power Apps creator! Who is Power Apps for? Probably you!